
Dad, Mom: my business is in my room and it is a success!

Young people have always sought original ways to earn their own money and thus begin to have economic independence from their parents, at least in a small part.

And that first salary traditionally teens have gotten delivering newspapers or cleaning car, always remains in memory.

However, these traditional models have been replaced by more original, but equally effective, with the passage of time.

New technologies, the perfect environment for young people to become entrepreneurs

Most of these business models have a common denominator: they are made from home.

Unlike previous generations of this, the members had to go out looking for that summer job or part-time to enable them subsidized their own whims, now this whole process is done from the privacy of the room just have a simple computer and an Internet connection.

In fact, there are many cases where parents themselves are astonished to see that, unexpectedly, his son has become a real entrepreneur being even minor.

Apple, Harley Davidson, Disney and dozens of large world-famous brands were born in a garage.

Today, it is a tendency to be an entrepreneur between poles Games of Thrones, video games housings, cast off beds, untidy clothes and voices that still warn that dinner is ready on the table. Here are some successful examples.

Top 10 countries working more

Mexico tops the ranking of the countries that work in accounting for 2.246 hours per year, a figure above the average of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) with 1.766 hours.

The agency explains that in general, the more people, the more decreases work productivity. However, for Margarita Chico, country manager of Trabajando.com, the problem is much deeper.

"Productivity is not directly related to hours worked, but rather with the level of education and working conditions of employees, the more advanced the technology we have people, it is easier to be productive because it optimizes better processes, "he said in a statement.
Companies, meanwhile, have designed strategies for retaining and motivating talent, for it had to start negotiating aspects that were previously unthinkable, such as flexible working hours, which allows people to do their best in their work, encourages creativity, innovation, responsibility and commitment.

Labour flexibility is a good argument for productivity improvements, you can use more efficiently the resources available. The most efficient labor markets tend to be more productive and thus to work fewer hours.

Some benefits of flexible working hours that have been implementing some companies, is to give the day off to his colleagues on his birthday, some give administrative evenings and others have a special schedule during the summer.

In this regard, Margarita Chico said:

"The market is beginning to understand that the time flexibility is a benefit highly valued because people want to spend time with their families, spend time parenting, activities of interest and obviously rest."

Top 10

Then we share the top 10 countries of the OECD list.

Country / Average hours worked per year

Do you feel that you lack motivation?

I begin by saying that we are the ones we create our own motivations, although there are many people around us no one can do for us something that must come from the heart of each person. You may be able to fool someone into believing that you feel self motivated but ultimately not deceived.

Then like finding motivation in life.

Initially we understand that it is a process

First we start with self-esteem, being necessary to have a lot of pride, because we must act convinced that are good.

Followed know that is a motivation:

Application of motivation

This article aimed at students of directors, managers and individuals dedicated to personnel management, intended to together's go through the different theories expounded on "Motivation" in order to locate, anyone who is interested in what is the best theory in its application, so that different scenarios and examples with names and no real time for better understanding are presented.

This is not to introduce or impose a theory as a basis, but on the contrary, only to publicize each end for which each is best applied to the situation that exists.


When you start studying the theories of "Motivation" only issue I entail to imagine endless scenarios that daily living in each of the companies I know, the first thing you have to master is the concept of motivation word, not only in its literary meaning, but in its intrinsic meaning, and monumental personally think the motivation is the internal engine that drives an individual to perform any act or activity factor.

But if we talk about that is an engine, it needs fuel to run, also needs a "Being" to start its operation, that is why we will take this as a reference to discuss the motivation and theories that generate it.

By culture in my country El Salvador, when you ask a worker who needs to feel motivated to continue working for the company you work, your answer is "Money" and retribution are asked for all that would, in some cases and in some companies might work, however this requires strict control, because otherwise it becomes a double-edged sword, remember Selvin seller of sports equipment when at work was told he had to meet a goal to get commissions, I agree, and tried to meet that goal and on many occasions exceeded by a wide margin, but once you can not cancel it actually corresponded, at the time their motivation collapsed and decayed high way, so if you plan to use this theory you should plan ahead control means of retribution.

Another theory says that what motivates an individual is to tell your weaknesses or mistakes you make, this theory is not applied to anyone, you must know very well the person who will use. Angela was in charge of a convenience store average consumer oriented fashion, at some point your store declined in sales and be visited by the supervisor, was called in private to exhort the appearance had dropped Store , he chided such a way that employees realized and some of them felt bad, but Angela went annoying but challenged and eager to prove he could improve the regañada the reason to improve eye this theory does not work with any , employees Angela felt very bad and one of them did not come to work the next day, but she improved the appearance of the store in less than three days and raised its sales.

There is a theory that says that employees are motivated by their needs, and could one day go to work at a company with a young man named Jaime who had been working for nearly eight years in micro companies which you did not provide additional benefits to its salary, a day to meet the respective time I was given the ballot to request your membership number to Social Security, that day that guy's eyes filled with tears and told his immediate boss who never had Social Security, he was immediately apply for meat Social Security and was very happy to the extent of reaching as far as the general manager to thank him and committed to the company to work hard, in many cases, usually in people like Jaime, this theory works, when offered Health Insurance, Life Insurance, Family Pantry, Private Clinic, School Scholarships for children, and others who fill their primary needs that salary does not pay, but like other theories, this does not work at all because if a person already has eliminate with all these needs it will not be motivated by one.

The last case I want to mention is that of George a technical degree in electronics that apply for a job in a well-known company engaged in the repair of photocopiers, just the fact of saying work for company X, was pride among his friends, I apply to be interviewed very well, but when asked if he had any questions about the work I wonder football team have in the company?

This guy was motivated by the association, it seems that the association or social life not share in labor but is not, because the social is complemented with working life and motivation can be generated by aspects of association and the if George.

I have presented several real cases, people and situations that occur daily in many companies, which one fits the company headed ?, that motivation theory would you apply or apply where you live? Remember you are an administrator and it is your duty to present alternatives and solutions to optimize human resources and qualities...


In conclusion we can say that "Motivation" does not have a standardized theory of effective implementation will depend on the different scenarios presented in different companies, so it will be the task of the administrator to apply the correct and effective for each of them, here the importance of knowing each of the theories presented by the various managers. And the fact of believing that a theory is more effective than another depends solely exponent of that comment, because as said the motivation is entirely circumstantial ...

3 steps to ensure the success of your home business

Come to the point! Of 10 companies in Mexico and Latin America, nine are family and of these only 2% survive the third generation and becomes successful.

Are you surprised? It should not, if you consider that thousands of entrepreneurs believe that house rules are the same as in the company and therefore roles in business are confused and very importantly generate losses or slow business growth.

Do not allow yourself to continue to live in uncertainty and in business indolence! You require action now.

Business owner, if you consider it is time to make the decision to grow and expand the vision of economic and patrimonial future of your -that family business that you have built with great passion, but now it is becoming a threat to the fullness and familiar harmony and do not know where to move to ensure a successful evolution, I have great news for you to make changes in the old paradigm of family business.

Pay close attention, I will share three steps to make your home business a qualified successful company that not only ensure their goals, but are allowed to grow exponentially with predictable in the long term.

1. Avoid corporate paternalism. 

Overprotect children is wrong in all areas, however when it comes to business, acting like an overprotective parent with your business partners will have dire consequences for you and the future of your business consequences.

Considers that 60% of these bankrupt companies because of family conflicts generated by the confusion in family roles vs entrepreneurs.

Behaving well, you're just extending the succession and delaying the development of entrepreneurial skills in your family. Forming partners, build business relationships and solid corporate must become your goal.

2. Accept that there are members of your family who are not suitable for the position. 

Many business owners strive to make your CEO's or COO's families, for instance, and do not consider that: a) they are not ready to take charge or b) their skills are better suited to another department.

Realize this, prepare them and place them in the correct position, at the site where their contribution is maximized for the company and for the future of society.

3. Take off centralization. 

Loosen the reins of the business can be one of the hardest things for an entrepreneur and the error is that business owners believe that they and only they can make things right.

You need to "franchise" your talent, your security, your intuition and excellent judgment gained in business, to climb with the people around you and you're willing to leave the keys to the company.

Tip: You can start by delegating simple tasks that have to do with the direction and gradually increase the difficulty until you feel that the time has come to pass your estate plan.

These three steps are just the beginning for you to take bold decisions regarding the future of your business. Do not forget that you must have a strategy and a well-structured growth plan that allow you to take the next step without hesitation.

If you want to learn how to build a successful and lasting family business, contact Coach knows Latin America and programs to build million-dollar family business.

4 signals that prevent you grow in your family business

Do you have trouble controlling emotionality in your family business? Do family relationships interfere with the daily operation of your business?

Most family businesses tend to last less than five years and those who get barely enough to survive more than three generations.

This almost always happens because kinship ties involving emotional factors that end up mixing with business relationships.

You have just once and for all with these emotional barriers to the growth of your organization!

You need to establish the principles with which you operate, and I want to be strong in this regard. No matter if you and your family have the most brilliant mind, nor with the highest academic degrees or MBAs more professionalized.

Unfortunately in the classroom they do not teach us to deal with family conflict resolution that impact the business, let alone rationally separate bonding of business.

The only sure way to consolidate your organizational growth in your family business is through practice guided by rules of family members and making strategic decisions aimed at building the future of the family business.

Not only as a coach I tell you, also as CEO of a family business:

Make decisions with your heart eventually destroys reason and the business!

I share the four steps to build a business plan focused on growing your family relationships, your harmony as a society and above all, your profitability as a company.

Put to work, do not stay only with the knowledge and calls for professional help.

1. Are there goals but were not met?

You may, though, you count on specific goals, reach not fulfilled and, what is worse, you do not even be able to account to avoid hurting the feelings of relatives. You may be in a paradigm of mediocrity.

Trouble not thyself only reflects and connects your decisions with the level of career success you want for your family members, as well as the competitiveness of companies looking to build.

It's just assume your position entrepreneur and fulfill what was established, removing the drama in relationships. This will be your challenge every day that eventually will become the principal value of constant growth.

2. Do you have a clear and shared vision of what you want to build?

As business owners we are used to centralize all decisions and we assume that our family team is in tune with us only because at home we understand well.

It is essential to share specifically what you want and where you intend to go, otherwise all victims will scatter and go to directions and at different rates.

3. Are you undemanding in compliance with the operations?

Emotion causes little excess demand, which eventually leads to that family, as entrepreneurs inexpertos- incurred in self sabotage and then no one will be able to sue the consistent and disciplined implementation of commitments of each family member in the company.

4. Do you align your own goals?

It is twice the blind who will not see, and reality is that sometimes the same business owner who is not in tune with their own strategy. It is important autoevaluarte and ask others to evaluate you. Require to be clear in this regard and avoid incongruity.

In Latin America Coach are specialized training programs to transform family relationships in highly effective business relationships.

Place your various programs and builds companies to ensure million in profits exceed the third generation.

12 passive-aggressive phrases that destroy your business

I have said that I am a passive-aggressive. And I really did not understand until I started to evaluate some of the "destructive" words he used.

If you've ever faced with an act of this kind you will never know that the best way to resolve a conflict.

Being passive-aggressive is frustrating for both sides, because besides being unproductive, makes others stop trusting you in your workplace and in your relationship.

After allowing my behavior destroyed some of my relationships, I decided to do something about it.

Then 12 passive aggressive phrases -and their true meaning- you can start fighting in a more productive manner.

1. "Okay"

My best friend was the one who made me see the reality of this phrase. "Realize, when someone tells you that everything" is well "turns out to be quite the opposite.

Signe Whitson in Psychology Today says that a "passive-aggressive" person uses phrases like this to experesar anger (indirectly) and to put any emotional communication barrier.

2. "Do not worry"

Actually, yes you are worried. In Thought Catalog, Christine Schoenwald said that phrase translates into:

"I'm saying that not have to worry, but what they really mean is 'fuck you', but I will not say until it explodes against you."

3. "If you really want to do ..."

This may first sound "comforting" but do not fool yourself. When you say that you're being evasive. It might seem that you agree with the plan, but inside you're not amazed. This would indicate that not only want the other person is upset and do not know how to communicate those feelings.

4. "Thank you in advance"

Another phrase that might seem innocent, but what they really mean is that you are expecting people to do what you want and hey, this can heal your relationship with the person.

5. "I was surprised / confused ..."

When you hear or read this, you can tell that the person is disguising criticism or simply are unhappy not being in the front.

Jennifer Winter mentioned in The Muse who had a partner who was using a lot of these phrases to "soften their criticism." This made Winter will begin to ignore all comments.

6. "I'm not angry"

This was what destroyed my relationship with my ex-wife. I never expressed how I really felt, now I learned to speak up and be honest.

The same thing happens at work: yes, the person is angry even when he says no.

When I use this phrase I feel I'm not being honest, you also avoid it and learn to express your feelings.

7. "Whatever"

I once had a discussion with a friend for this word in a text message. When I read the "as is" I got so angry, I knew I did care and they just said not to continue with the discussion.

So you know, use this resource will only make both angry even more.

8. "So ...?"

How one word can change the whole context, do not you think? Maybe it's because after this followed a comment something "annoying".

So ... did you get my email?

Clearly it understood that you're bit annoying because you have not responded, and that is a problem of honesty.

If only it is said to say, the conversation becomes uncomfortable because it is understood that the person does not know how to start. When I hear someone applies and there is an awkward pause I have the irresistible urge to say, "then ... what?" For so get out of that awkward moment.

9. "I was wondering if ..."

This phrase is seen when the person is doing a not so reasonable request. It is like

"I was wondering if ... you'd be in town tomorrow and you could pick up my brother from the subway station?"

Even when you're in town, the station can be located far from where you are. In other words, this person knows that he should not be asking this favor, but still they are doing.

Although eye! Also keep in mind that people can use these words to invite somewhere.

10. "Just kidding"

Sarcasm is one of the most passive-aggressive manifestations. If this person makes a comment that makes you sad and effectively, you sad, it was no joke. Really he meant what he said and is trying to "cover their feelings."

11. "Hopefully worthwhile"

This phrase can not be more obvious. The person who says it does not want to do anything, but is a "warning" that still will. Instead of expressing their real concern they will leave this passive-aggressive message until the real problem becomes.

12. "Comments?"

In most cases this phrase can be anything harmful, but in some cases it can also be used to show that someone made a mistake in something like: "We need to discuss your performance today, comments?"

Any comments about this article? What other phrases consider passive aggressive? I'm not angry, just dímelas.