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Environmental management in hotels and tourism


The paper responds to the results of the research project "Working strategy to obtain and / or maintain the Environmental Aval in the process of categorization in the hotel facilities of the territory for the period 2010 -2015" has as background the results obtained in the consulting in environmental management carried out by teachers of the School of Hospitality and Tourism "Jose Smith Comas" of Varadero in 2007, 2008 and 2009; these first steps showed the need to organize and streamline this process through concrete actions that integrate different consultancies, training and student scientific work, to join efforts to certify compliance with the legislation in environmental performance in the hotel facilities.


The paper Responds to the results of the research project "Strategy work to Obtain and / or Maintain the Environmental Aval categorization process in the territory accommodations for the period 2010 -2015, you as STI background the results of the advisory environmental management Undertaken by the faculty of the School of Hospitality and Tourism "Jose Smith Comas" Varadero in 2007, 2008 and 2009, These first steps Showed the need to organize and streamline esta process by different concrete actions serve on the advisory, training and student scientific work to join Efforts to certify compliance in environmental performance in the hotels.


The research project "Working strategy to obtain and / or maintain the Environmental Aval in the process of categorization in the hotel facilities of the territory for the period 2010 -2015" has as background the results obtained in environmental management consultancies conducted by teachers of the School of Hospitality and Tourism "Jose Smith Comas" of Varadero in 2007, 2008 and 2009; these first steps showed the need to organize and streamline this process through various concrete actions serve on the advisory, training and student scientific work, to join efforts to certify compliance with the legislation, in environmental performance in hotel facilities choose to be categorized. "The request for categorization be presented to the Quality and contain the following documents ... Aval of compliance with existing environmental regulations issued by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment". (Resolution 36, 2002, p.10)

For the formation of the strategy, a diagnosis of the necessary certifications took place in the classification process that owned the hotel facilities of the Ministry of Tourism (MINTUR) in the territory, to operate primarily with those who had not obtained the Environmental Aval that awarded by the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment (CITMA) and later with the needed renewal. The diagnosis of 2010 helped to confirm that some facilities did not have the Environmental Aval.

The strategy is aimed at all MINTUR hotels in the tourist destination and is made up of actions aimed at:

  • Environmental Management consultancies.
  • Training Environmental Policy / os and workers / is, through postgraduate courses, courses, workshops, conferences and specialized training according to the needs of the facility, to improve performance in the areas identified in the environmental assessment done.
  • Graduate training specialists representing environmental activity on the premises.
  • Strengthening environmental information.
  • Tutoring student scientific work.
  • Follow the Action Plan.
  • Monitoring the certification obtained.
The strategy is centered their actions performing consulting in environmental management, for which it is necessary to plan the work during implementation and as a result of the experience gained in this process, methodological recommendations presented in the paper were designed.

Among the hotel facilities where the result is applied include the Sandals, Brisas del Caribe, Playa de Oro, Blau Varadero, Velasco, Palma Real, Las Morlas, Golden Sand, Playa Caleta, Sol Palmeras, Breezes Bella Costa Breezes Varadero hotels, Barlovento, Pullman- Dos Mares-Ledo Kawama and Tortuga.

The problem to solve is the preparation and development of the facility to opt for the guarantee of compliance with environmental legislation in the country (Environmental Aval), awarded by the State Environmental Inspection conducted by the CITMA. "The State Environmental Inspection is defined as the activity of control, supervision and monitoring of compliance with legal provisions and regulations in force concerning environmental protection and sustainable use of natural resources in order to evaluate and determine the adoption of appropriate measures to ensure such compliance. "(Resolution 130, 1995, p.10). As most notorious results of the application of methodological recommendations highlights the organization's own advisory process, the integration of the other actions of the strategy consulting, the creation of work teams integrated by the advisory teacher and specialists facilities for shaping the environmental assessment, integration of research and labor component as well as the implementation of environmental Education Manual Tourist facilities Ecosystem Sabana - Camagüey.

Key impacts are from the environmental point of view, as the methodological recommendations contribute to perfecting the advice and these, in turn, improve facility performance by implementing action plans designed, which include good environmental practices which are it translate into savings of materials and natural resources, it helps to raise environmental education and information for their workers / is and directives / os, in order to work for an increasingly sustainable development. "Organizations of all kinds are increasingly concerned about achieving and demonstrating sound environmental performance by controlling the impact of its activities, products or services on the environment, taking into account their environmental policy and objectives. They do this in the context of increasingly stringent legislation, the development of economic policies and other measures to encourage environmental protection and widespread growth of concern from stakeholders regarding environmental issues, including sustainable development ". (International Standard ISO 14001, 1998, p.7)

The best performance is certified by obtaining the Environmental Aval or renewal, it has been reached by most of the above mentioned facilities. This result has been exhibited at various events and in the context of the Sabana-Camagüey ecosystem, for generalization on the premises; now it forms the basis of the work done by the group Environmental Management on the premises of the territory and in the years 2011 and 2012 won Award Result relevant category Mention Training System for Tourism (FORMATUR).


The implementation of the advice within the research project "Working strategy to obtain and / or maintain the Environmental Aval in the process of categorization in the hotel facilities of the territory for the period 2010 -2015" has allowed generalize a group of modes do they have become regularities that make work easier.

The points raised below are not guidelines are methodological only take into account environmental consultancies in the hotel facilities, that establish stages for implementing the same management recommendations.

In each of the phases of consulting in environmental management concrete actions that differentiate them running.

preparatory phase of counseling

  • Interview with the address of the facility to meet its interest in the development of counseling.
  • Implementation of recruitment.
  • Conformation of the team.
  • Determination of responsibilities and tasks.

Development phase of counseling

In the development phase they are designed and implemented fully or partially as many actions under advice

1. Review the documentation that has the installation on environmental performance.

2. Analysis of the results obtained in different visits and controls covering environmental issues:

to. Standardisation inspections.

b. CITMA inspections.

c. Inspections of Public Health.

3. Assessment of the environmental conditions of the installation, following the guidelines for the conduct of the State Environmental Inspection MINTUR hotels and restaurants that are in the process of categorization, by agreement between the CITMA and MINTUR including; necessary to eliminate or mitigate the negative environmental impacts generated by the investment entity; treatment and disposal of liquid waste; solid waste (International Standard 133, 2002), chemicals, fuels and lubricants; hazardous waste (Resolution 136, 2009); analysis of refrigeration and air conditioning equipment and refrigerant gases used does not affect the ozone layer; water management and energy (Law 81, 1997), sanitary hygienic conditions of the installation and its environment; landscaping, gardening or outdoor areas; analysis of compliance with the provisions of the standard pool (International Standard 441, 2006); storage of fuels and lubricants; compliance with the provisions of the standard Noise (Standard Cubana 26, 2007); emissions; education program, information and environmental training (Act 81, 1997), and beach management and coastal zone in general (Decree Law 212, 2000) as well as the determination of contraventions in the environment (Decree Act 200, 1999).

4. Exchange with specialists who practice different processes at the facility, to verify data and evaluate environmental performance in different areas.

5. Information on the governing board of the problems detected through a conference on "Environmental characterization of the installation and compliance with current environmental legislation in each case."

6. Design or redesign of Environmental Policy installation and environmental objectives proposed.

7. Design the plan of action to eliminate or mitigate the problems detected with the assignment of responsibilities and deadlines for compliance.

8. Implementation of the action plan.

9. Establishment of Environmental Education Program installation, to organize training processes and environmental information under the advice and continue once the same, with the aim of preparing personnel from different areas to mitigate deficiencies identified. Including: Graduate, postgraduate training, courses, training, seminars, conferences or workshops as interest for installation.

10. Implementation of the Environmental Education Program installation.

11. Development Plan or reprocessing Hazardous Waste Management.

12. Plan Implementation Hazardous Waste Management.

13. Preparation of the dossier to present to the CITMA, including the completion of the guide for the realization of the state environmental inspection (CITMA-MINTUR Convention) and the Plan of action.

14. Preparation of the Environmental Strategy at the request of the installation.

Culmination phase of counseling

  1. Handing over the case to the facility management for approval.
  2. Assessment of the implementation of the action plan for the development of the installation, for which evaluates the environmental performance of the installation, by analyzing compliance with current environmental legislation.
  3. State Environmental Inspection, executed by CITMA specialists for granting or not Environmental Aval.
  4. Getting the valuation of the installation on the conformity or not the development of counseling.

Follow-up phase of counseling

  1. If the Environmental Aval is not obtained, can check the implementation of the action plan once it has completed the installation advice until the certification scope.
  2. Possible to monitor the Environmental Education Program installation.
  3. Encourages the good environmental performance of the organization is maintained.
Among the results of the consultancy carried out by the group as the strategy planning work in 2010 it was applied to 6 facilities and 5 of them won the Environmental Aval in 2011 was applied to 4 and reached 3 meanwhile in 2012 it obtained 2 installations 5 mentored, which have not obtained remain in the phase of monitoring the implementation of the Action Plan.

Brief description of the result

In the counseling process for each hotel facilities the following actions were taken:

For the Environmental Assessment took into account the guidance of CITMA-MINTUR Convention for obtaining Environmental Aval in the classification process. Environmental Management System was formed, defined the Environmental Policy, objectives, goals and actions for each of the evaluated environmental aspects. "Environmental management system part of the overall management system that includes organizational structure, planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures, processes and resources for developing, implementing, conducting, reviewing and maintaining the environmental policy" . (International Standard ISO 14001, 1998, p.11).

Environmental Strategies 2010 -2013 of hotel facilities mentored Tourism Ministry were designed; Among the issues addressed in each they are: shared values, overall objectives, strategic analysis that led to consider the strengths and weaknesses, opportunities and threats in the environment, therefore with environmental issues and the Mission and Vision established for the period, the problems identified in the diagnosis and critical examination, so that they can be conceived projections and future strategic objectives. In addition, strategic objectives, period, the responsibilities of key actors, defining the functions and pathways for the conclusion of the strategy defined.

Plan Hazardous Waste Management, according to Resolution No. 136, 2009 CITMA was developed. The object is reflected, scope, responsibilities, diagnosis of the situation in the installation and implementation schedule for the implementation of measures envisaged in the plan for management of hazardous wastes.

the Environmental Education Program are designed and formed, in each case, the overall objectives, goals, analysis of the context and people learning, teaching resources and to achieve a better distribution of actions and to assess their compliance, conformed three dimensions with specific objectives and defining activities (Martinez, RM, Huerta, LF & Vazquez, N. A, 2013 p. 24). The dimension one addresses the strengthening of institutional capacity, two dimensions on strengthening environmental training of human resources and the third is aimed at strengthening environmental communication installation.


  • The proposed methodological recommendations, help organize the process of consulting in environmental management in the hotel facilities and allow us to establish the link with the other elements of the strategy designed with the aim of combining efforts in obtaining the Environmental Aval
  • As a result of the organization of counseling following the methodological guidelines, an installation can count on: the environmental assessment updated according to the agreements CITMA-MINTUR, a plan of action to improve environmental performance, plan for hazardous waste management, the program environmental education, as well as the plan of solid waste management and environmental strategy if you want.
  • The development of environmental training in a hotel facility can help establish best practices in the management of energy and water, solid waste and hazardous waste, coastal zone and biodiversity in general in order , to show a responsible environmental performance through certification of compliance with environmental legislation in our country.

Bibliographic references

  • Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba (1997, July 11) Law No. 81 of the Environment. Special Edition, Year XCV. Number 7. Page 47. Havana.
  • Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba. (1999, December 23). Decree Law 200. contraventions in the environment. Regular Edition, XCVII Number 83 Year 1339. Page Havana.
  • Official Gazette of the Republic of Cuba. (1995, July 24) Resolution No. 130/1995. Regulations for the State Environmental Inspection. Regular Edition, Year XCIII Number 21 Page 331. Havana.
  • Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment of the Republic of Cuba. (2009) Resolution 136. Regulations for the integrated management of hazardous waste. Havana.
  • Ministry of Tourism of the Republic of Cuba. (2002) Resolution 36. Classification Regulation accommodation establishments. Havana.
  • Martinez, R. M., Huerta, F. & L. Vazquez, N. A. (2013). Environmental education manual for tourist facilities Sabana Camagüey ecosystem. Havana: UNDP / GEF 51311
  • National Bureau of Standards. (1998) NC ISO 14001: 1998 Environmental management systems. Specification and guidelines for their use. Havana.
  • National Bureau of Standards (2002) NC 133: 2002. Municipal solid waste storage, collection and transportation requirements health and environmental hygiene. Havana.
  • National Bureau of Standards (2006) NC 441: 2006. environmental health requirements health and safety pools toilet. Havana.
  • National Bureau of Standards (2007) NC 26: 2007. Noises in habitable zones. sanitary hygienic requirements. Havana.

Paradigms of a diversified and sustainable tourism

Outline of a problem.

The increase in purchasing power and cultural level in most developed countries as well as the current management of information on the Internet and many other media have led to a more demanding and sophisticated clientele to the tourist offer. Since few years many countries have also begun to prioritize the development of international tourism as a necessity for economic growth, especially in Asia, Eastern Europe, Africa and Latin America. Today in the world there are hundreds of tourist destinations that are struggling because their supply is increasingly attractive and gain access to a larger market share.

Moreover, it is common the occurrence of cyclical events affecting international tourist flow in general or locally, including economic crises, epidemics, terrorism and war. To conclude these threats to international tourism, you can add the effect of globalization on tourism, by which the major tour operators in the world have become powerful international groups that dominate the core value chain in tour packages.

Among other negative effects for tourism destinations, currently a manifest tendency to concentrate highlights: In the distribution network, the few large international groups have absorbed the large tour operators and travel agency networks in major source countries; In the offers distributed in the north-south flow of tourism are concentrated in Sun and Beach; In the destinations they operate, which tend to be reduced to those who actually provide the best return, especially in air operations; In the seasonality of tourism; which tends to concentrate only on the months of higher volume of customers; In reducing the average length of stay of tourists, increasing increasingly short vacations and weekend trips; In reducing the distance of the destination you visit, becoming stronger law closeness in the current tourist flows.

This international context imposes tourism entities need to adapt to the new rules ... and adopt new paradigms. One of the most important challenges is related to the need to achieve a diversified, sustainable and customer-focused tourism, which also helps to ensure a fairer geographical distribution of revenues generated by this activity in less developed countries.

Meanwhile, most of the existing technical literature on business management and marketing are generally focused on the activity of industries of consumer goods, and therefore the methods and procedures established need to be "interpreted" for application in a sector as specific as tourism services. For this reason, not many methodological work to guide successful management of destinations and tourism businesses.

diversified tourism, sustainable and customer focused.

Achieve a diversified, sustainable and customer-focused tourism is a must for tourist destinations to increase or maintain market share alternative, which also helps to ensure a fairer geographical distribution of revenues generated by tourism in less developed countries.

However, the experience gained so far indicates the high degree of difficulty faced by destinations or specialized companies in a kind of offer as sun and beach position to achieve successful alternative offerings.

On February 26, 2004 in Guadalajara, participating in a panel on competitiveness developed within the 88th Ordinary General Assembly of the CONCANACO-Servytur, Secretary of Tourism of Mexico said: "The major challenges facing the Mexican tourism to continue growing are achieve better air and road connectivity, and diversify tourist destinations so that there is a balance between the supply of sun and beach and other attractions that offer all states of the country. " These words remain the same force and effect in other Caribbean destinations, including Dominican R. CUBA and even in some other emerging tourist destinations in Eastern Europe, Asia and Africa.

To achieve successful diversification of sustainable tourism, which includes a customer focus, we must consider four fundamental aspects of work;

  • Knowing motivations and interests of current and potential customers and identify segments with specific needs.
  • Provide travel experiences that contribute symbolic, functional and experiential utilities, effectively and style, in a leisure area with tourist resources, ensuring their preservation.
  • Undertake a strategic product-market management, based on customer focus, developing a set of plans that define objectives, goals, actions, and also require human and financial resources to achieve them.
  • Use new distribution channels, including the use of Internet and e-commerce.

Since its inception, the displacements have been part of the lifestyle of men. Mankind is known spreading around the world ... what changed were the reasons. In the development of the first of the above aspects, theories and models of human motivation to understanding of the basic and specific current and potential customers needs. Only deeply knowing the real needs, and adding new attributes to our tourism, we can build new products and services.

If you do not know what the real needs that must be met, we will continue detained in what we know (current paradigms) and not moving towards what people need (new paradigms). This task is essential to identifying customer segments, highlighting the discriminant and behavioral variables that determine a given in every segment of interest behavior.

In the second aspect, it must be guaranteed destination management and products, to ensure the achievement of a diversified tourism and sustainable customer focused, able to provide real travel experiences, what it is necessary to have information from customer surveys, and competition.

Professor Michael Porter argued that "a company without strategy is capable of anything". It is precisely the danger to be avoided with the proper development of strategic planning. Any planning process is a design of the future that must come. It relies on knowledge of target customer segments and tourism resources in each territory or tourism entity to meet them, and a methodology that takes us by the hand to establish goals, targets, actions and resource allocation.

The above tasks require the collection of large amounts of data and its subsequent conversion into information, which is essential for the establishment of a Marketing Information System and the timely completion of Market Research.

One last, but not least, shed work to ensure a comprehensive approach that comes to determining new sales channels more effective, is related to the use of Internet and Electronic Commerce, and that undoubtedly constitutes the distribution channel with more potential to commercialize alternatives to sun and beach offers.

Alternative offers to the sun and beach should preferably be based on qualitative rather than quantitative criteria, pursuing more expenses for customers and more profits: However, the main current distribution channels focus on the amount, and only Internet provides us with a means whose costs make it possible to realize offers and specific actions to different niche markets, smaller and geographically dispersed.


To threats to tourism destinations and products present the current international globalization and the cyclical phenomena of crisis, the best defense is to achieve consolidate a diversified and sustainable tourism. The four strands of work outlined here bear a very close relationship consistency and to achieve this goal. Without this approach, each day will become more difficult for destinations and tourism entities maintain and increase market share.

Another essential option is the establishment of strategic alliances between destinations and tourism entities, rather than face threats and such complex tasks in a fiercely competitive environment: collaboration and exchange will increase the bargaining power with major international groups in the sector, and collective intelligence and resources together will advance more quickly and successes in the four aspects mentioned.

Operations research applied to tourism


The contribution of this paper is to present how a series of operations research techniques can help prepare a more pleasant trip to a tourist visiting a region. The techniques involved are Multi attribute models, the traveling salesman problem, the routing problem and the problem of the shortest route.

The model indicates which places to visit and what the tourism corridors are to continue to provide him with greater satisfaction, according to the restrictions laid down therein.


The contribution of esta paper is to present how a series of Operations Research techniques, can Contribute to prepare pleasant trip for a tourist visiting a Certain Region. The Involved techniques are: The multiattribute models, the traveling salesman problem, the vehicle routing problem and the problem of shorter route.

The model Indicates Which Which places to visit and routes to follow, so That Provides the greater satisfaction, According to the constraints established the tourist.


The evolution of the media, which increasingly facilitate the handling of the information, has made those wishing to visit, especially for tourism, a country, city, place or place, every day become more demanding and regardless the reason for your visit, always determine a number of issues waiting to be satisfied in their travels, so that they are more pleasant, so it is necessary that the different localities wishing to receive visitors, prepare for the tourist, and make efforts to maximize the satisfaction that they could provide.

Speaking maximization, albeit satisfaction of tourists, suggests Operations Research, and so the question of whether it might be possible to use algorithms to maximize the satisfaction of tourists arises with certain well-defined purposes visit a particular place. In response to this question the purpose of this investigation: to create an algorithm that starting order of preference, obtained through a multi-attribute model, which for a visitor have a set of tourist sites, you indicate which or what to visit and what tourist runners to follow it is, to provide him with greater satisfaction, according to the restrictions laid down by the.


Tourism is not a science (Buollón, 1990, Davila and Di Campo, 1997), since, Tourism, was not born of a theory, but a spontaneous reality, while its components are material and not ideal. However, tourism has its rules, as well, so that there tourism is necessary for the user to remain outside their usual home at least one day and spend the night in a different place of

His habitual residence. Moreover (Cardenas, 1991), inbound tourism and domestic tourism is established, the latter being on the residents of a country, while the former refers to that produced in a country when they reach him residents of other nations with the intention to remain limited in the same time.

Another concept to note is the reference to tourist space, as the territorial presence and distribution of interest, in which case one can speak of tourist area, tourist area or resort, depending on the size and area of ​​influence of the space.

It should also emphasize the concept of tourism corridors, which are pathways connecting areas, areas, facilities, attractive, input ports inbound tourism and squares stations domestic tourism, which function as the element It gives structure to space tourism. These corridors will be analyzed from the point of view of routing problems, and this is the next thing to discuss in this conceptual framework for this work.

Pathing problems

Then the problems discussed routes, especially those that are of most interest when establishing tourist routes: Problems shortest path routing problem and the traveling salesman problem.

Shortest Path Problems

Although you may have other generalities, in general we can say: if in a R (V, E, d) network, where d is a quantity called Distance function, E represents the set of arcs or directed sides and V the set of vertices or nodes, you want to know some of the following:

the shortest path between any pair of vertices V,
the shortest path between a couple of them (x, y) well-defined path, or
the shortest path between one of them can be denoted as a source or root (s)
Routing problems

Generally it is known as the problem of road vehicle (Vehicle routing problem [VRP]), one can say that is to visit a set of clients, using a fleet of vehicles, within the constraints of these vehicles, as well as restrictions customers, drivers and the like, with the final aim to minimize the cost of the operation, which usually involves a combination of minimizing the distances and the number of used vehicles, respecting the vehicles leaving a place and return to the same place.

Traveling salesman problems

The Traveling salesman problem (Traveling Salesman Problem [TSP]) is the typical problem of trade visitors, that from a local source (root node), should visit once and only once a set of cities (remaining vertices graph), and return to the source node, provided that the total distance, according to the measurement parameter, is minimal.

Although there are already optimal solution, even for many cities the traveling salesman problem and its variations are still studying insistently, two of these variations are of paramount importance to this work: The traveling salesman problem maximization and the problem of multiple commercial travelers.

Traveling salesman problems maximization

The traveling salesman problem maximization is not as common as the minimization, which is the natural case, however, his presence no longer interesting, and generally can point to, when you want to make the maximum travel, being a interesting case of the traveling salesman problem of maximizing the a company which organizes concerts or exhibitions in different locations in a city or different cities in a country and even in different countries in a continent, since the public could be in the neighboring towns, and not interested in returning to that environment immediately, but on the contrary, most remote in time as possible, so instead of having interest in the minimum travel is interested in the maximum travel.


The first conclusion is that integration can make a set of tools of operations research to solve an everyday problem, as is the established tourist routes that maximize the satisfaction of tourists.

Not only should discuss problems of shorter routes, as is easy to wait, or routing problem or traveling salesman, where through them a better hierarchy is allowed and therefore choose more appropriately, both places They are representing the greatest satisfaction, as routes that offer.

It should also be separate commentary measure of satisfaction, that while this on a general scale is actually unique to each individual and measures directly, and expressed by, the more you satisfy a certain place or tourist corridor.

Furthermore it should be noted the flexibility, since every tourist

It is operated independently, as is done with every day of his visit, which may be of different lengths, and even could separate the morning of the afternoon and evening or combine afternoon and evening or morning and afternoon without it means any difficulty.

In addition to flexibility before mentioned, it also should be noted that operations research helps us to estimate the time actually spent on each day of visit and the daily satisfaction estimated, as well as the total, although this level of satisfaction, as it was said, either own for every tourist.

It should also be noted the use, albeit indirectly, in two variants. The traveling salesman problem, the traveler agent maximization, maximizing satisfaction, and multiple traveling salesman, with multiple limiting factors driving time constraints.


  • Applegate, D.; Bixby, R.; Chvatal, V.; Cook, W.; Helsgaun, K. (2004) “Optimal tour of Sweeden”
  • Belfiore P., Patricia Y.; Yoshizaki Y. H. (2006) “Scatter search for heterogeneous fleet vehicle routing problems with time windows and split deliveries”, Producao 16 (3):455–469.
  • Boullón, R. (1990). Las Actividades Turísticas y Recreacionales Trillas, México.
  • Cárdenas, F. (1991)

Internet sales in the tourism sector

Today as long ago pages related to tourism on the Internet are the most frequented by multiple users around the world, electronic commerce within travel is highly elevated and revenue for airlines, travel agencies, pages specialized, etc. They are extremely high and represent a large number of their total income.

Tourism Internet has influenced considerably in e-commerce, most users performing an electronic transaction some at least have some connection with a purchase of any transportation ticket or a travel package among others. Internet pages have increased significantly so that today any competent airline has its online services. Another thing that greatly influence travel e-commerce is the fact that every user has the possibility to review their destination through multiple pages of sites within the network and subsequently book your tickets or packages that destination also realize through images or even some pages have a program that allows you to see the place from all angles and this is how the user can highly confident that what you will pay meets your expectations.

Today the security of transactions has grown effectively that any user can be confident that their transactions can be trusted and they really offer them what they have ordered.

Another thing that has influenced is that it is much cheaper to make reservations and online purchases that do Conventionally, this is because these companies lower the cost of staff and also make aside intermediaries and can offer better prices Your clients.

For all these advantages I think it is indisputable that has influenced the way in e-commerce tourism and even more the fact that users can make their transactions more easily and more safely in many cases conventional manner.