
10 methods to ensure a positive thought

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Negative energy is everywhere. Being exposed to it is so detrimental to avoid it should be a matter of necessity.

Many tend to think of negative energy as something mystical, that "bad vibes" of what the hippies and speak only Roma who read hands. As a result, we do not repair this energy which is in the form of comments, looks, complaints, daily gestures around us, influencing our thoughts and emotions and largely determining our actions.

The reality is that negative energy is everywhere, and be exposed to it is so detrimental to our emotional well-being (and yes, our professional success) to avoid it should become a matter of necessity.

Here are 10 practical that will help you stay away from negativity and have a positive thought that drives you toward your goals. Ready to apply them to your daily life?

1. Be cautious when choosing who you surround yourself

Well the saying: "Tell me who you hang out and tell you who you are." Deciding who to let into your life is not something you should take lightly. People who choose to live positively related to malvibrosa rule, envious or whiny people, and try to surround yourself by optimistic, good-natured and always willing to help people.

2. Take care that you receive stimuli

It may sound exaggerated, but everything that goes into your body-and we are not referring only to the food- influences your emotions. This includes what you see, hear and smell every day. If the first thing you hear is bad news to wake up, the first thing you read is work emails and the first thing you hear are hundreds of car horns, how do you expect your body and your mind to start the day?

3. Practice some discipline to focus your mind

In this chaotic world it is important to create a space dedicated to "clean up" your mind of negative stimuli and refocus to your growth. You can sign up for yoga classes (or why not? I practice from home) or meditate, even for five minutes a day. Do you like to draw? Can I attend dance classes? Cook? It's up to you.

4. Exercise

Exercising is much more than a vanity: it is a condition to be and feel healthy. Physical training releases endorphins, neurotransmitters that are associated with a feeling of well-being. Incorporate an exercise routine in our daily lives will reduce stress, improve your mood and promote our self-esteem. What other reason you need to start moving those muscles?

5. Do not underestimate your rest

In a world that worships overwork and is obsessed with productivity, break-even is often underestimated and rejected. If you want to keep your sanity, do not fall into this error. Having time to relax, read, go out or practice hobbies is as important as professionally grow and attract money to your bank account. Learn to appreciate the time that you dedicate yourself!

6. Stay away from routine

Everyday stress can be quite absorbing. And if you made an effort to avoid falling into this black hole? In addition to creating spaces during the day to take a break, get away from the routine for a couple of days it is a great help to clear your mind and start again. If possible traveling somewhere away from the city where you can breathe fresh air and forget the worries. You can not stay away too? Search relaxing activities in your city.

7. Accept failure as part of growth

It is an inescapable fact: the failure is part of life, and is in each of us face it as a learning experience or feel defeated. By having an error, rather than get discouraged, you think: "Why I failed?", "What I can learn from this?". Thomas A. Edison rightly said: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that will not work ".

8. Learn to control your thoughts and emotions

Emotional intelligence is just that: the ability to manage our thoughts and emotions instead of letting overpower us. Knowing how to control our anger, anger, sadness and negative thoughts is essential to achieve our goals ... and enjoy the process.

9. Learn to say "no"

Of course it is important to be generous and help others when you can. But how to say no when necessary is a skill that will help you effectively use your most valuable asset: time. Saying "no" is to take control of your life and direct your energy toward things that are truly important to you.

10. Do not seek anyone's approval

Do you let your life be guided by the opinions of others? Sure you feel paralyzed. Focus your priorities rather than seek approval from others and will feel freer than ever!