
How to motivate yourself every day

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I give you a very unusual business advice: "Get lit up every day." The life of an entrepreneur is full of ups and downs. One day things are really exciting; the next must face a new obstacle. This could wear you and end the passion for the company.

As entrepreneurs, passion is our responsibility. Some of us know well what motivates us; others have not yet discovered. You just make sure it is your passion and purpose, not what your parents and teachers have told you that you should and should not do.

Two owners of two almost identical pizzerias might have different reasons why they undertook. One might be living the dream of growing a small business and give local youth work; while the other could love just seeing happy families enjoying a good meal. The key is to discover what motivates you; what turns you on.

There are two important factors that motivate most entrepreneurs:
- We want to express our desires, passions and purposes. The reason is simple: If we create a business and use much of our time on it, do something we love and express our goal in life.

- We want to put passion before practicality. Yes, we want our business to succeed and make us earn money. But first we have to say the words that move us; that ignite our passion. It's like the old steam engines: The engine and the tracks are the practical structure of the business, but if there is no fire in the boiler, never move.

Make it real

I wrote my first mission in 1995 and revised four times a year to make minor modifications. I did this for two years, but it was not enough. Then, I received good advice: Read your vision, mission and values ​​aloud every day, and that is the first thing you do in the morning. These are the reasons:

- To vocalize. When we read something aloud, he reaches both sides of the brain. The left side is logical -racionaliza, but usually there no passion and commonly generates resistance and negativity. The right side is the source of emotion and motivation; and it is not always practical. To say something strong, the message touches both hemispheres and unifies.

- As a practical daily. Motivation is like exercise: as more you practice, the stronger you get. If you mess up one day, what does it matter? That's in the past is history. Just think about this for inspiration: Today is the most important day of your life. So, try daily start again.

- First thing's first. Stephen Covey, author of The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, teaches us to put "first things first"; this means starting each day with the most essential. And it's a great idea. The motivational coach Barry Gottlieb motivates us to take only positive and nutritious ideas, the first two hours of the day. Start your mornings with your vision, not with the newspaper!

Kim George, author of Coaching Into Greatness, states that have the mission of your company hung on the wall is something terrible. Instead, we need to make it real. I read my feet, as if he were about to run at full speed. So you also read yours stronger every day, in a dynamic and active, that excites your inner fire.

Feeds the fire when needed

Let's say we motivate every day and we are ready to face any obstacle, but how long will this attitude? On a good day, two hours; one bad, 10 minutes.

Almost every day something happens you off or lower the morale. It may be a complaint from a customer, an employee with poor performance, traffic causes you to be late for a meeting or miss a meal.

If this happens, it is time that reenfoques your vision. When a runner stumbles, what does? He stops breathing, focus recovers and starts again. It's not about how many times we fall but how fast we recover.

It is therefore important that you have a version of a line of your mission. So when something happens that you demotivate, stop, stand up straight, take three deep breaths and repeat your mission again. You can do this exercise in 30 seconds and will help rekindle the fire of your passion. Gradually you will feel how bad feelings go away.

Do not be ashamed to do so. You can practice it up in an elevator; what other people notice is how to renew your energy and commitment.

Mistakes to avoid

We share some things you should not do:

- Letting your mission to become your to-do list, not what you dream about doing.
- Letting your mission is what society wants you to do, and not what you want to do.
- Forget your mission and leave arrumbada in a closet or hung on a wall.
- Exploit you yourself. This will lead to wear and then to hatred.

The last point is a big risk for any business owner. When life is difficult (as often happens) it is easy to start saying "I have to do." And that is the road to burnout and to hate to go to work. To keep alive the passion for your business forget the 'I' and 'I'.