
Intel vs. AMD. War processor

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If we talk about computer processors, surely we are talking about one of the two main companies leading the market, Intel and AMD processors, certainly the war to see who captures more market based on innovations in processor technology, know what those technologies and what they are, and the name of the processors that implement it, will help us to choose which processor is best for us for our personal computer, that is the end of this article.

Currently there are two major brands that dominate the processor market, Intel and AMD, Intel Corporation is a multinational company that manufactures microprocessors and specialized integrated circuits, as auxiliary integrated circuits based computer and other electronic devices plates, the latter It has the backing of a reputable company called Microsoft, which until now monopolizes most of the processor market, approximately 80%.

AMD (Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.) on the other hand is a company with a profile much lower than Intel (Integrated Electronics), however is pushing hard, the main competition for Microsoft in which corresponds to microprocessors. The company was born a year after he did Intel, which makes the company second world producer of microprocessors, and one of the leading manufacturers of chipsets and other semiconductor devices.

The struggle INTEL and AMD, to monopolize the market is very competitive. Both companies implement almost the same technologies, when one of the two companies launches a new processor technology, the other almost immediately launches its own version.

An example of this is the case of dual-core technology. The first to launch this technology was subsequently AMD and INTEL sack selling its own version. But that will be discussed later.

Currently there are a variety of models processors, Intel leads the sales market and offers consumers the following products:

  • Intel® Core ™ Processor 2 Quad Q6600
  • Intel® Core ™ processor 2 Extreme
  • Intel® Core ™ Processor 2 Quad
  • Intel® Core ™ Processor 2 Duo
  • Intel Pentium Extreme Edition Processor
  • Intel® Pentium® D Processor
  • Intel® Pentium® 4 processor Extreme Edition supporting Hyper-Threading technology
  • Intel® Celeron® M Processor
  • Intel Pentium M processor 780
  • Intel Pentium M
  • Intel® Celeron® D Processor
  • Celeron® M Processor 450
On the other hand among the products offered today AMD include:

  • AMD Athlon ™ 64 FX Processor
  • AMD Athlon ™ 64 X2 dual-core desktop
  • AMD Athlon ™ 64 processor for desktop
  • AMD Turion ™ 64 technology Mobile
  • AMD Turion ™ technology 64 X2 Dual-Core Mobile
  • AMD64 Dual-Core
  • AMD Opteron Dual-Core
These products mentioned above are those that currently are waging a war over who dominates the processor market, however, to understand that war between Intel and AMD, then we will see what each one of the latest technologies implemented in processors.

Hyper Threading (HT)

Before the advent of technologies dual-core processors that currently exist, Intel design a technology called HT (Hyper Threading), which consisted of a single core processor, I want to emphasize that, were not two cores as normally confused, it was only simulate two logical microprocessors within one physical (he is led to believe the user through the operating system has two microprocessors when actually has mounted a single microprocessor), finally, this technology allows the processing of the yarns or threads in parallel within a single processor, increasing the use of processor execution units, better use of processor resources and therefore improves the speed of applications. It is said that the user obtained theoretically an improvement of 20 to 30 percent at that speed.

HT technology has been widely criticized, it is said that does not represent a breakthrough in terms of saving resources. In addition to leverage the technology, the applications that are run must have been programmed to use multiple threads, otherwise not be possible parallelism in the execution of the application.

Dual-Core Technology

Definitely something that has revolutionized the processors is called dual-core technology, which is nothing more than having two execution cores on the same chip, optimizing performance significantly, note the difference with HT technology, in this if two real cores have not only a simulation.

Although many details that characterize this new micro-architecture, there are two clear signs that have guided the design of it: energy savings and performance. These two features seem to emerge as the two key issues that are leading the fight between Intel and AMD.

As pointed Antonino Albarran, CTO of Intel Iberia, "We have two goals: to achieve maximum performance and be more efficient in terms of energy savings, which means that the performance per watt should be the highest possible, low power consumption and low dissipation. "

For environments that require multiple tasks, two cores offer more physical resources, enabling operating systems to prioritize and manage tasks from multiple applications simultaneously and, therefore, maximize performance.

The first to implement this technology in a real way was the company AMD, which she released series processors "X2" in 2003 AMD developed the first dual processor actual nucleus called Athlon 64 X2 then followed him: AMD Turion ™ 64 X2 Dual-Core AMD Opteron. In this aspect AMD was ahead of Intel, remember that Intel one year earlier had launched the HT technology, however this time it was not until 2006 that Intel sack sale family of processors known as "core "which now if they had a real dual core, such as AMD, which later evolved into" core 2 ", the best known core 2 Duo, core 2 extreme following him after, among others. It is noteworthy that in a desperate attempt to compete with the "X2" AMD, Intel sack sale in the same year of onset of X2, a number of processors known as Pentium D processors, which were nothing but two Pentium 4 cores together in a single processor, were not technically dual-core processors because they could only communicate with each other via the bus, and the only thing that held them together was a connection between North bridge and memory. If you had wondered why the Pentium D processors are slower than AMD X2 ?, there has the answer.

Multi-Core Technology

Today is not only common dual-core processors are handled, but we find up to 4 cores. Not content with the previous two cores in one, Intel and AMD have launched a war over who gets the processor with more cores.

"The multi-core architecture has a single processor package that contains two or more" execution cores, "or computational engines, and, with appropriate software, allows fully parallel execution of multiple software threads. For the operating system, each of the execution cores appears as a separate processor, with all the associated execution resources. "

By providing improved performance and more efficient simultaneous processing of multiple tasks, multi-core processors offer an improved domestic and business computing environments.

The first quad-core processor is the Core 2 Quad, launched by the company Intel in 2007, which proved to be nothing that two core 2 duo stuck together style Pentium D, communicating via the bus, then he followed the Core 2 Extreme quad-core. As expected AMD did not want to lose the war of processors and responded with the processor called AMD Opteron ™ Quad-Core, which unlike core 2 quad Intel has a direct connection between the processor cores, however AMD is for exposing sale "AMD Phenom" processor later this year or early next 2007 2008, which is said to be the first PC processor four true cores, remains to be seen.

To give an idea how things are in this multi-core, it is said that Intel researchers are working on a 80-core processor, which get teraflops performance, consuming only 62 watts.

Being honest not know what is working AMD to compete with that, but rest assured that is already working on something good, have more surprise us how AMD and Intel in the next year.

Choosing the processor

Once mentioned the technologies offered by the two leading companies in the processor market, it is time to decide which processor is best for us.

¿Speed ​​and Speed ​​INTEL AMD?

Many times the user gets confused about the speeds Ghz AMD and Intel processor and an AMD processor at 1 Ghz makes things faster than an Intel with speed of 1 Ghz, not confused, what a processor takes 3 cycles to be on the other takes 2, that is, make no mistake when we say that Intel is faster than the AMD only because we see that one says 2.8 Ghz and another 1.8 Ghz, 1 GHz Intel it is not equal to 1 Ghz AMD, that it is very clear.

What use will you give your PC?

I must say first of all that not always the newest is best for us, why have the best microprocessor on the market if all you need is a microprocessor that supports us word processing, spreadsheets, create slide shows and so on, that is, if what you require can be done with a word processor two or three years ago, as you will need is nothing more than a PC with a Pentium 3 processor or 1.4 Ghz Athlon.

Now if what you seek is to play the most demanding games, or watch movies on your PC, so you see has nothing to do with the processor what you are looking for, do not forget that there are other components of the PC, such as motherboard, video card, RAM, hard drive, etc., although it would be advisable to also have a dual-core processor onwards, which is the INTEL or AMD brand.

The money factor

Is there anything else we should take into account when choosing our processor, "economic feasibility" and is to be invested well our little or much money we have, "balance our PC," many of the time people ask why not walk the FIFA 2007 on my PC if you buy the latest in the market, thinking that because their PC earned both should pay therefore, in these cases what you have to do is balance our PC, if our goal is play fashion games, we should invest more in RAM and video card, and invest less in the processor.

Features to consider in a processor

  1. Gross speed measured in Ghz.
  2. Bits in working either 32 bits to 64 bits.
  3. Bandwidth data bus, there are several types: 533Mhz, 800Mhz, 1000Mhz, 1066Mhz.
  4. Memory Controller: INTEL processors do not carry brand integrated, while AMD brand processors do have integrated.
  5. Latencies: The time response of memory, is lower in AMD, though it does not use memories as fast response if it is.
  6. Reports required for operation. A processor as an Opteron company AMD has very strict requirements, but Athlon64 not the same side of Intel, whenever necessary to buy a processor is recommended that this information is verified, to thereby be able to buy the motherboard correct, and the correct memory.


The market for microprocessors is becoming longer see, as I said, today the paradigm when choosing the microprocessor to our PC is choosing between two companies Intel or AMD, if our needs are demanding, I recommend that nobody buys a processor that does not implement multi-core technology, is 2 or more cores, AMD or INTEL, of course as I said, "only if you really need them."

While Intel has dominated the market for processors during this time, experts say that this year AMD will have a very significant increase, it is said that AMD comes with many innovative projects, which is something that has always characterized this company.

War AMD and Intel is in view of all users, an election is only necessary, a processor which will have its vote of confidence, most choose INTEL, and you What choose ?, will follow others or take your own decision, INTEL or AMD ?.


http://www.maestrosdelweb.com/intelamd/. Consultado el 6 de noviembre de 2007
http://www.maestrosdelweb.com/intelamd/. Consultado el 6 de noviembre de 2007.
http://www.intel.la/content/www/xl/es/homepage.html. Consultado el 4 de diciembre de 2007.
https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperThreading. Consultado el 4 de diciembre de 2007.
http://www.pcworld.es/archive/procesadores-de-doble-nucleo-la-nueva-batalla-de-intel-y-amd. Consultado el 6 de noviembre de 2007
http://channelplanet.com/Inicio/idcategoria/14365. Consultado el 4 de diciembre de 2007.
https://es.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20071110053902AAd4omi. Consultado el 4 de diciembre de 2007.
http://www.intel.es/content/www/es/es/it-management/intel-it/it-managers.html. Consultado el 26 de octubre de 2007.
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http://www.tecnogeek.com/verpost.php?id_noticia=84. Consultado el 1 de noviembre de 2007.