
6 Keys to overcome the fear of failure

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Failure is a constant factor that we have to deal with, especially when we see hundreds of successful executives with their companies fall. An entrepreneur has to learn to take risks, so it is vital to have internal shield to face criticism and fear of failure.

The fear created by us, so the solution also depends on our decisions. Remember that you can take advantage of any experience, no matter how negative it is. We present a series of tips to avoid that fear interfere with the operation of your business.

Planned. Strategic planning is a great help when making decisions, because knowing what is coming, it is harder to be afraid. A comprehensive analysis of both our environment and the organization itself, will allow you to choose those most appropriate for the development of business strategies. You have a properly planned strategy will give sufficient security to avoid falling into insecurity. The illusion to undertake and develop new projects should always be greater than the fear that they can go wrong.

Set goals. Goals should be realistic, adapted to economic reality, not unachievable. Companies must impose goals that make a difference for the organization, but without creating pressure or fear of not getting them. Goals should help us maintain the illusion, because it is a powerful engine to achieve what we propose.

Rate whom you appreciate. Come people who appreciate your path, those who know you in a while. Find someone to support you and ask the opinion of your performance and what you could do better. The person you choose, inside or outside the company, should be balanced and objective. Look no mere flattery, but someone who can always tell the truth.

There are no mistakes, only results. If things are not going as expected, does not mean you're a failure. Perhaps you're applying the formula does not fit what you want, so
you just have to change, indeed, find another better.

Nobody is perfect. We all forget things, we know that there are ways to make them better or simply act under the influence of unconscious behavior patterns. Not for that we will be irresponsible and we will not take the consequences of our actions. A margin of error is always valid, but you must know the point where it is no longer.

Learn. You can learn more from mistakes than from successes. Capitalizes on the experience, knowledge, skills, abilities and habits acquired in the process so they do not again take the same steps that did not lead you nowhere.