Define your sales goals
Sales are an essential part of the raison d'etre of any business. "A company has to sell pace because that will generate wealth," says Nicolas Hauff, managing director of the consulting firm E-Myth. Hence the value of the area responsible for closing the treatment lies in its ability to achieve sales, but also have to consider that often in practice its members contribute to building the brand.
To start, visualize the relationship between marketing and sales as a magic carpet: to fly brand, marketing brings magic, while the sales force carpet. This image is the work of John Bello, one of the founders of SoBe, US drinks company Pepsi which paid US $ 370 million at the beginning of the last decade, and who shored up his business through an extraordinary sales force.
A look at how working sales staff of planemaker Airbus, as described by marketing guru Philip Kotler in his book Principles of Marketing, gives a good idea of the relevance of this area in a company. In this case, the commercial department is at the head of a team of several specialists: sales and service technicians, financial analysts, planners and engineers, all dedicated to finding ways to meet the needs of its customers.
A sale in this industry is complex and challenging, because sometimes represents amounts of billions of dollars and a deal may take years to close. To achieve its mission, sellers become experts in their customers: the airlines. They know what they want to grow, when to replace aircraft and the details of your financial situation.
Moreover, computer equipment simulates the airline routes made by its aircraft and competition, the cost per seat and other factors to demonstrate that its aircraft are more efficient. Then start high-level negotiations. After getting the purchase order, sales people kept close contact with the account to track your equipment needs and ensure satisfaction.
For the sales force get the desired results, you must be careful in the process you use to set goals. This seems obvious, but in most cases neglected. According to Rigoberto Acosta, MasterCoach ActionCOACH, "over 90% of companies do not have clear goals" not a plan to achieve them.
To start, visualize the relationship between marketing and sales as a magic carpet: to fly brand, marketing brings magic, while the sales force carpet. This image is the work of John Bello, one of the founders of SoBe, US drinks company Pepsi which paid US $ 370 million at the beginning of the last decade, and who shored up his business through an extraordinary sales force.
A look at how working sales staff of planemaker Airbus, as described by marketing guru Philip Kotler in his book Principles of Marketing, gives a good idea of the relevance of this area in a company. In this case, the commercial department is at the head of a team of several specialists: sales and service technicians, financial analysts, planners and engineers, all dedicated to finding ways to meet the needs of its customers.
A sale in this industry is complex and challenging, because sometimes represents amounts of billions of dollars and a deal may take years to close. To achieve its mission, sellers become experts in their customers: the airlines. They know what they want to grow, when to replace aircraft and the details of your financial situation.
Moreover, computer equipment simulates the airline routes made by its aircraft and competition, the cost per seat and other factors to demonstrate that its aircraft are more efficient. Then start high-level negotiations. After getting the purchase order, sales people kept close contact with the account to track your equipment needs and ensure satisfaction.
For the sales force get the desired results, you must be careful in the process you use to set goals. This seems obvious, but in most cases neglected. According to Rigoberto Acosta, MasterCoach ActionCOACH, "over 90% of companies do not have clear goals" not a plan to achieve them.
Time plan
The process for establishing sales goals, a task which falls in the commercial area of the company is carried out based on the following aspects:- Market. Know their characteristics and what is the acceptance that there has your product or service.
- Analysis. On the one hand, it examines the goals you determined for the past year and what were the results; whether they are higher or lower than expected, you must understand why. Moreover, it considers whether the assumptions of you left still valid or whether changes have occurred that affect the achievement of objectives.
- Agreements. If you want the people responsible for sales commitment to the goals that you establish, make them participate in its formulation. A mutual agreement causes the sales force involvement and respon-lice in achieving certain goals. In addition, to avoid imposing a fee, commercial staff loses most excuse not to do it, he can not argue that it is unrealistic.
- Measurements. Decide which aspects want to set goals and how and how often will measure. Kotler sets out different types of goals depending on the approach:
- Consumers. Increase short-term sales; gain market share in the long term; encourage them to try nue-you products or services; keep them away from the offer of competition; maintain and reward loyal customers.
- Channels. Encourage retailers to order new merchandise and inventory; inducements to announce your pro-duct and give more shelf space; persuade them to buy in advance.
- Sales force. Get more support from the sales force for new or traditional products; stimulate sales executives to get new accounts.
It is recommended that in addition to targets related to sales volumes you establish goals related to the activity of vendors. This may include the number of sought opportunities generated proposals and resulting sales.
A useful indicator is the ratio of closures, calculated by dividing the number of sales by the number of presentations made to customers. And if your salespeople have some wiggle room on the price offered for your products or services, also tracks the profit margin businesses closed.
smart goals
A good way of setting a goal is through the methodology known as Smart (which in English means smart and is also an acronym for the specific concepts, measurable, aligned, realistic and performed in a given time).
Being specific means avoiding generalities. Say you want to check as much as you can and be the best seller of the company is ambiguous. The good intentions have to be translated into concrete objectives: in the case of sales you must specify a figure and on the other hand, define what market. Perhaps the case of companies, individuals or government, or a combination thereof. In that case, define how much you are selling to each customer and what products or services your portfolio
For example, a furniture manufacturer that wants a 5% market share in a year.
A specific target facilitates measurable. Otherwise, it is impossible to quantify and compare the results you get compared to you propose to achieve. This allows periodically evaluate the progress you have in achieving your goal.
In the case of furniture, a market share in 12 months means that the goals of participating market-ing each month can be measured against a specific target.
A goal should be aligned. This in the same direction of the major goals of the company, which are not reduced only to sales. Also they cover aspects such as having a certain number of days in accounts receivable or maintain established levels of inventory of raw materials or finished product. "Your sales goals should not be at odds with the other goals of the organization," says José Viller, partner Viller Training and Consulting.
The aim of the furniture is aligned with the company if this increase will not generate pressures in the supply of inputs or finished product distribution.
A realistic goal is one that is feasible. This after evaluating the resources available to a company and its particular situation; including both its advantages and limitations and opportunities in the market and perceived risks.
The furniture is realistic to the extent that capacity (management, production, sales and distribution) and their (human, financial and infrastructural) resources enable it to achieve the goal in the given time period.
An objective that has no time to be fulfilled normally not achieved. It is essential that once you set a deadline, the respect them and find a way to achieve the proposed goal, not lower it or postpone it, says the coach Acosta. On the other hand, once it established a certain period, it can be divided into smaller fractions (weeks, months) that will facilitate the monitoring of your progress.
The furniture has determined a time of 12 months to achieve your goal.
Experts agree that the frequency to evaluate whether the proposed targets are being met should be as often as possible. But beyond assiduously, your attention should be on the indicators that have arisen to assess performance.
These "warning lights" will indicate if something does not work the way you expected, said Georgette Viller, member of Viller Training and Consulting. And whether your results are not met or even exceeded, it is essential that you understand the reason for you to correct the course or replicate what works.