10 tricks of comics for your business
2. Create characters. Take advantage of gimmicks. A gimmick or advertising character is a good marketing strategy for consumer brands. Design your own character; agrégale the values of your company and a distinttiva personality. You can try to make a parody of a famous superhero. Remember that humor is an excellent weapon to sell.
3. Diversificate. If something taught comics it is that if you have a good product (or brand) make the most of it. Cartoons have created special editions, movies, video games, action toys, consumer products, among other things. Grow your brand with new business lines from a known brand in the market.
4. Make branding staff. For fans of comics, Stan Lee personalities as they are as important as their creations and even present in them through cameos. As an entrepreneur, your personal brand is just as relevant as that of your company. Try to make a name and recognition in your industry; this will give better reputation and value to your products.
5. Think of crossovers, spin offs and sequels. The comics show not to invent the black wire to triumph again and again. Out of the same story prequels, sequels, spin offs (derivatives) and crossovers (interrelation between characters from different comics). To renew constantly do the same with your products: looking for ways to make related lines, offer packages, together products / services or diversify from a single brand.
6. Create communities. Fans of the comics come together and are part of communities because of their passion for cartoon or character. You can drive this action from your trenches; take advantage of your social networks and blogs to share promotions and exclusive content, invite your "fans" events to get to know and promotes opportunities for your customers to interact.
7. Take your customers to different channels. A true fan of comic is always aware of everything that goes related to it, whether a new comic, movie, video game, and so on. Make all your channels offer an attractive experience and invite them to be part of them. Always include in your products and materials called to follow you on other networks or visit your Web site.
8. Find your fans and invite them to promote your brand. If you have something to boast comics it is the quantity and quality of their fans of all ages and parts of the world; people who are willing to defend and to buy their products. Are there people who speak well of your brand on social networks? You have satisfied customers who buy traveled in your company? Use your testimonials and feedback to improve your branding; but do not forget to give them something in appreciation of their loyalty.
9. Join the trend. Millions of fans of comics, why not use it to your advantage? You can convert from an opportunity to undertake, for example by opening a virtual store buying and selling comics or a theme room; up in a way to give them a "boom" your products through licensing.
10. Conquista to various audiences. The comics have great power to reach people of different ages, socioeconomic status, profiles and nationalities. While your strategy should be segmented, think about how you can get your product, service or message to reach different audiences at different times